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    Thursday, July 29, 2021

    PRINCE DR. ONYEKA EZE (Osisioma) pays last respect to OMELUORA ABAGANA-Late Chief Moneke Gabriel Akudu.

    *TRIBUTE TO CHIEF MUONEKE AKUDU (Omeluora Abagana/Nwa fe Eze N'Ukpo).*

    Was deeply saddened and devasted by the news of NWA FE EZE'S death. It is a double tragedy for the Eze family in Ukpo and the Akudu family in Abagana. 

    NWA FE EZE has definitely left a huge vacuum in the hearts and souls from both families and all who must have in one way or the other come in contact with him.

    As many may not know; NWA FE EZE and my self share some personal values especially when the going was really tough. His council as a father figure was very instrumental in the early days of my little begining. NWA FE EZE would never see a brother anywhere around the world and allow you suffer any set back or ill treatment. 

    Over the years the Eze family and Akudu family relied on his mentorship, inspiration and encouragement. When the heat was so tensed all looks out for NWA FE EZE; an outstanding administrator, a disciplinarian, an inspiration, the old story tales and an orator who is always willing and ready to go out of his ways to assist and help all genuinely who reach out to him irrespective of social class or affiliation.

    Today we mourn and grieve over the loss of a true icon who was at the climax of his mission here on earth before death snatched him away.

    We will grieve but let's not grieve like unbelievers as we are all being warned and reminded in 1 Thessalonians 4:13.

    As we grieve let's always pray for the repose of his soul in paradise in Hope of eternal life as promised by our faith. For we all will surely die and are like water spilled on the ground which cannot be gathered up again. Yet God does not take away life, but plans ways for believers for better life here after.

    Today NWA FE EZE is no more we can only lay hands on his legacies.

     Truly when we are gone only our deeds (Good/Bad); shall we  be remembered for. 

    Nani olu anyi ka aga eji cheta anyi ma oge ruo.

    NWA FE EZE, Osisioma will miss you but am sure your good deeds here on earth will speak good for you before your  maker. 

    NWA FE EZE,  ezigbo mmadu - jee nke oma.



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